Monday, December 5, 2016
We are currently adding double-hop locations. The feature will be added in several locations, especially where there's a high need to connect overseas either for privacy or bandwidth needs.
Along with an increased level of privacy, this feature could also improve connectivity speed as datacenter-to-datacenter connections are often faster than residential-to-datacenter connections (overseas).
Current available locations (07/12/2016):
- UK to Netherlands (Amsterdam 1)
- UK to Romania
- US East (Ashburn) to Netherlands (Amsterdam 1)
- US East (New York) to Netherlands (Amsterdam 3)
- US Central (Chicago) to Canada (Montreal)
- HK to US West (Los Angeles)
Planned double-hop locations:
- More US to Europe
- Europe to US, Canada
- Asia to US, Canada, Europe
- Australia to US, Canada and Europe
- various inter-connections between EU countries
The double-hop locations can be found in our software. Restart it if you don't see them.The .ovpn server profiles will be added in our repository by end of week (December, 10)
For feedback and suggestions, don't hesitate to get in touch.